The underachieving transformation

Thursday, September 28, 2006

busy busy busy

The title says it all. Midterms coming up and it seems the work is now coming in waves. Non-stop waves. I think my "work" week is now between 50-60 hours a week, perhaps more. So why no update? That's why.

I'll move on to an editorial sort of thing this time in response to an article about Reggie Bush and his "scandal." Let. It. Go. College players deserve their cut, plain and simple. Yes college ball is supposed to be an amateur event, but it is undenyable that the players generate millions upon millions of dollars for both their schools and the slave owners otherwise known as the NCAA. I totally understand, and agree with, the notion that college sports should remain largely an amateur event, but the players should certainly get more than a scholarship. When you're making millions of dollars for any organization, shouldn't you get something in return? I mean, no, don't pay them $2 million a year, but at least throw them a bone. If the player is good enough that he can get endoresements, then let him do so and impose a limit. I'm not asking the schools to pay them an outrageous amount, but if Nike is willing to pay shouldn't the players at least be able to say "yea, ok?" Impose a limit, $100k a year, tops. Is that unreasonable? I for one don't think that's anywhere near unreasonable. Players dedicate I don't even know how many hours a week to practice and games which pretty much eliminates the possibility for them to work. How are they supposed to juggle school, sport, and a job? Some claim that they're there for an education (which should be the ultimate goal), but how can you expect student athletes who, like many of us, will probably need more money than allowed by the school to live within the strict budgetary confinment that is a college budget? Most of us can say, I need money, I'm going to go pick up a job. But I question whether a student-athlete has the time to go pick up that job that so many of us need. While they're busy filling the wallets of their respective schools and the NCAA, their own wallets are emptied day by day like the rest of us students. Don't pay them like A Rod, that would no doubt completely kill the amateur aspect of college sports, but don't disregard the fact that they probably will, at some point, need more money than their school budget provides. One of the fundamental thoughts in our society is that one shouldn't benefit unfairly at the expense of another, but isn't that exactly what the NCAA is doing by denying student athletes the ability to be paid while they sit back and just watch the money roll in? Talk about benefitting at the expense of another.

Ok, this probably sounded really stupid, but it's late and I'm tired. I'll read what I wrote in the morning. Only then can I appreciate how utterly stupid I must have sounded just now.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Ferrari F430

I couldn't come up with a title so I just went with something completely unrelated and somewhat random.

It's been a good weekend. This closed memo isn't so bad (I don't think). I've not exactly finished it, hell, I've barely started on the writing portion of it, but I think I have a pretty good idea of what will go down on paper for a first draft so it shouldn't be so bad. Apparently, I can apply the precedent cases ok, but it's my analysis that's weak. I think I'll be better at it this time around though since I can say with 100% certainty that I analyzed these cases more and with closer attention than the mini memo. Only time will tell if I'm right.

It's been a great weekend. Went out (yet again) Thurs and Friday. But I was prepared for it this time. Thursday was cool but Friday was GREAT. That was a lot of alcohol-induced fun. Need to stop going out so much though. My wallet is seriously starting to take a hit and at this rate, I'll be broke by finals with nothing to get me through winter break. That's the LAST thing I want to happen. We'll see, if it looks like time will allow me to, I just might pick up a job.

I'm starting to understand the sentiment of "no matter how much I do, I can always do more." I mean, I'd like to think of myself as pretty on top of my stuff, but, at the same time, I KNOW that I could be doing more. Problem is, what more can I do? That's the part I'm not too sure about. Oh well, I'm still pretty comfortable with where I am right now. Yay, good times. Back to the closed memo. Ciao.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


I'm very glad I'm not behind since I'm starting to fall dangerously close (I think). The assignments for the next couple days are the most we've had thus far. The fact that an unexpected assignment was assigned today does not help. At all. I thought everything was nicely planned, but this is a little curveball I've not yet delt with. Should be fine though.

I've discovered a new place in school I like to study at. Nothing hidden or exciting, but it's great.

Nothing much has happened the last few days. Went out over the weekend yet again, but it was good times all around again so that was great. Unfortunately, spent far too much time watching football this weekend (and Monday). That needs to stop. Now. I will now only use one day of the two to watch football. It sucks, but it must be done.

Nothing exciting in school, just moving along as usual. Except the OCI interviews are happening this week for the upperclassmen and they're all coming in suits. Can't help but think "that'll be us in a year" (hopefully).

This morning a buddy asked me how law school is and the most interesting thing that came of that conversation is how much my career "goals" have changed in the last month. I was certain I wanted to be a judge a month ago. Now, I really have no idea what I want to do. Sure being a judge would be nice, but I'm definitely not sure that's what I still want. What changed? I really don't know since in all honesty I don't know much more about being a judge right now than I did a month ago. All I do know is it's not really a huge goal anymore.

Alright, back to my pile of work. Can't wait to be an actual attorney so I can just shred the work and claim I never got it. Hehe, just kidding.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Another pointless update

DISCLAIMER: This post, like all the others, will be pointless.

The week's gone by pretty steadily, the groove has been set and I'm just going with it. I'm back to where I was a week ago. Namely, a little ahead but not by too much. It sure frees up the weekend and alleviates the stress, not like I get stressed out at all, but it just makes it that much easier to not stress.

I'm convinced that we have one of the, if not the, best civ pro professor in the nation. The man is just plain out hilarious. Especially helpful that he teaches civ pro.

I've been trying to stay semi-anonymous here and it's becoming increasingly hard to do so. Talking about your days while not leaving any clear indication as to exactly who you are is not easy.

The undergrads are back today and parking will begin to suck. I don't mean suck like a hoover vaccume. I mean suck like the intergalactic vaccume they used in Spaceballs. If you don't know what I'm talking about because you've never seen Spaceballs, stop reading RIGHT NOW and go buy/rent/steal Spaceballs to watch. Whatever you have to do, DO IT!

This is really sad, but I'm starting to think that a 15 min drive is far. That's extremely sad since, deep down, I know it's not far at all.

Alright, back to work, more to come.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Week 2, the end

If I wasn't behind, I am now. At least for one class. It's ok though because I'm "behind" on paper, but in reality the whole class is behind on paper so I'm going with the pace of the class. Long weekend, time to try to get ahead again. Even though I have fun things to do this weekend, I will try to get ahead. These efforts are not being assisted any by the fact that the first mini-memo is due this week but it should still be doable. Wish me luck.

I was asked the other day by one of the girls if there was anyone I was interested in in school. Hmm. Little did she know that she's the one I'm interested in. I didn't bother saying anything since I know she's not of the available kind. Two simple reasons. First, she's not available. Second, even if she reciprocated right now I would instantly become a lot less interested because, as I said, she's not supposed to be available. One of these days I need to ditch this "moral" approach and say fuck it. In addition, a relationship isn't exactly something I'm actively seeking right now.

Ok, it's not 10:00AM Saturday yet and I've been up for an hour doing work (minus this blog time). Wow. Seriously, who'd thunk it?