The underachieving transformation

Saturday, September 29, 2007

a month???

Damn, I can't believe it's almost been a month. What's new?

NUMBER 3 BABY!!! NUMBER 3 IN THE NATION!!! Ok, not yet, but we will be, tomorrow. ROLL ON YOU BEARS!!!!

Hmm, what else is new? Ah, yes. OCI wasn't a complete waste of time. I got a few interviews and hopefully I'll get more. Better yet, I hope I get an offer from somewhere. Yea, my interviewing skills are awful, but these (for the most part) have definitely been some of the best interviews I've ever had. Granted the standard is rather low. Eh, whatever, we'll see.

RAing and school work together isn't so bad. I still tend to have a good amount of time to do stuff. When I plan accordingly. Soooo, school and work are good. It's true what they say. You become MUCH more efficient by your second year. Well, I guess I can say my one complaint is that the research and school has had one negative effect. It's taken away my ability to surfing almost whenever I want. That part sucks. Yea, I know, this sucks that there's soooo little new but I'm a law student. When people ask me "What's new? What've you been up to??" Pretty much my only answer is "Eh, reading. That's what's new."

Oh, I guess I forgot about IM football and softball. That's pretty fun, on both fronts our team has gotten A LOT better. Unfortunately, we've still not won a game. Oh well, at least it's fun?

On a more personal note, one of the 1Ls is QUITE cute and QUITE fun, but I haven't had an opportunity to check exactly what her story is. I'll do that soon.

Hmm, I think that's all I have for now.


Monday, September 03, 2007


Seriously people. Why the fuck can't you avoid creating drama? I'm not technically involved, but I sure as hell learned A LOT about who you are as a person. I hate losing friends, but for this reason, I can. Will we ever be cool again? Maybe. Are we cool now? No.

Two things are at the top my list for a true friend: loyalty and trustworthiness. I wasn't screwed over, but the fact that you're willing to screw over one of your best friends tells me a hell of a lot about you. It doesn't help that I'm also good friends with that person. It also doesn't help that I actually used to like you and had higher expectations despite being unsure whether those expectations were justified. Well, this weekend certainly solved that issue. And being "drunk" changes the situation and how I feel, well, not at all. You don't screw your friends over (esp. ones that are supposed to be one of your best friends). Willingness to do that demonstrates a hell of a lot. I hope you realize that.

Anyways, enough ranting. So the surf was good on Saturday. As I expected it to be. Hell, almost TOO good (for my level at least) as a couple waves did quite a number on me lol. Overall good weekend, and I have a feeling it could be my last "good" weekend for a while. My forecast is predicting a shitstorm of work rolling in this week with no expected end date. It doesn't help that this weekend was good primarily becuase I did very little (pretty much NO work) up until today. I'm pretty sure this whole "2L they work you to death" thing will prove to be true.

Anyways, I should get back to work and prepare for the shitstorm. Out for now.

P.S. GO BEARS!!!!!!