Monday, August 06, 2007

time flys

Damn time flies. I totally planned to update a hell of a lot more, and next thing I know it's been over a month.

Summer class is over. Lesson learned? When you can use it, bring a pocket Websters with you to the final. Especially if your vocabulary sucks like mine. Seriously, not knowing an entire question because you didn't know the definition of one word sucks. It really really does.

In the meantime, I picked up yet another surfboard. It's an awesome board for how much I paid. Unfortunately it's now being repaired because I damaged it =(. At least I have another board to use in the meantime.

I can't believe how fast classes are creeping up on us. The summer's almost over, orientation's almost here (yes, I know, it shouldn't affect me, but I'm volunteering for orientation so it does affect me) and the new 0Ls (or, I guess they can be called 1Ls now) will soon know how much work work there really is. Ok, ok, it's not THAT bad once you get used to it. But finals month still sucks.

The time has come for OCI. I totally need to start applying for work. Really I do. Of course, I really only remembered to blog because I thought to myself "what do I have to do? Oh! That's right! Cover letters! Oh wait, actually, I haven't blogged in a while, think I'll do that first." Yes folks, that is what we in the industry call "procrastination."

In the meantime, I need a new book to read. Preferably non-fiction, any suggestions out there? Last book I read was Lone Survivor. About (and written by) a Navy SEAL who was the only survivor on his mission in Afghanistan. Good book, I'd definitely recommend it. But now I have to figure out what else I'd like to read. Started re-reading Make No Law (I never finished it the first time around) but I don't really want to read that book. It's just the book I happen to have most interest in reading of the stuff I have right now. I still can't believe I'm reading for fun now. Last time I read books for fun (before this Summer) was like, before high school. Kinda explains my poor vocabulary ;p.

Oh, yes, I LOVE my grill. And my patio. Seriously, I should have bought a grill A LOOOOONG time ago.

The Wii is fun but glitchy. I didn't get one, roommate did.

Hmm, I guess I should start on my job stuff since I have to do that this week plus the MPRE. And I want to go surfing later. Alright, that's all for now.


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