The underachieving transformation

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


It's been a while, almost forgot about this. Quickly:

Finals - bla.
Thanksgiving - yay.
Thanksgiving weekend - yay.
Life generally - both yay and bla.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

i am sick

I am sick. Yes, again, I am ill. Chest congested, sinuses, coughing up my lungs, and most importantly, I am sick of the freaking Holiday Bowl. Seriously. Just once, give me the flippin Rose Bowl. Is that asking too much?

School. Eh, same ol' same ol'. Got started on the outlines. I'm going to do it in order. First final to last. Hope I'll actually finish it in time. Crossing my fingers.

Best Buy. You suck. I knew I hardly ever shop there for a reason. Well, I hardly ever buy stuff from you for a reason.

SDPD lady? I shoulda gotten your badge number and filed a complaint. You're lucky I was tired and in law school. I have better things to do.

Monday, November 13, 2006

6 minutes

Six minutes before class starts. Let's see how much I can throw down.

The weekend was alright. Two more birthdays celebrated last weekend. Two more to celebrate this weekend. Seriously people, WTH? Did EVERYONE'S parents decide to conceive over/around Valentines???? Wierd weekend. Little studying done =(. Open memo procrastinated on plenty.

Football. I don't want to talk about it. Until next weekend. When we redeem ourselves.

I had to change my phone plan this weekend. Well, not the whole plan, just the text part. The guy's like "um, you know we have a plan cheaper than unlimited? 1000 texts for $9.99?" My response: "Just give me the unlimited."

Alright, time for class.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

you would think

You would think that $35k+ a year would get you something you can get for $20 a month on your own. But no. I used to pay $20 a month and had reliable internet service. I used to connect to other people's wireless networks and get fairly reliable service. For free. Now, I pay $35k+ a year to go to a school that cannot figure out how to keep us connected to the internet consistently. It was never great and it was always somewhat annoying. But this week, it's just been horrible and very annoying. I guess it was fixed today. Or we got lucky. Only time will tell.

Obviously this is my gripe this week. Other than that, classes are going same ol' same ol'. Got our open memos back and had our conference, neither one of which went too horribly.

There's some balance back in the federal government. Many years too late, but better late than never.

Overall it's been a good week. Thus far.