The underachieving transformation

Monday, July 31, 2006

I've arrived

Ah, yes, sunny San Diego is not so sunny. First night here after being officially "settled in" and it rains outside. At least its cooled down in the last few days and the weather is back to "Good" status. Mostly unpacked, still a few stray things that need to be done, but not too much and not too bad. Now it's time to explore the city. Well, actually, it's time to trek down to the school to double check that I may have the privledge of taking out loans to pay them. You know, since there was a mixup somewhere beyond my control but I'm now the one responsible to make sure the mix up doesn't screw me over.

Moved in, picked up a small ass (and I MEAN that) drawer thing from Target and a bookshelf from IKEA. Both items small, both items work. Good enough.

After dropping off my stuff Friday we headed back to LA whereupon there was some fun being had. Ok, not on Friday, but Saturday we went clubbing in Hollywood and it was good times all around. Sunday was mainly a recovery/drive back to SD day.

Sat down at 11 and played a game of Hold'em w/the roommates, good times yet again (even though I was the first taken out by them poker fiends).

Nothing much else new as of yet, but my adventures in SD have just started.

Thursday, July 27, 2006


It's T -17 hours (give or take a couple hours) before I move to SD. Packing is easy this time, mainly because I'm not doing much of it yet. Still need to figure out what goes and what stays in terms of things everyone in the condo could use (eg, microwave). Oh well, that's something that has to be figured out after I get there. Board's still at the shop getting the crack fixed. Thank my brother for that by the way. Not the fix, the damage.

Nothing much new going on here besides that. Just getting freakin ready to move for the 6th time in 5 years. I feel like a drifter with no home.

So kicking myself in the ass for not getting XXX's number now. I will not make this mistake again.

Laundry's done, snowboard pants are hanging after being washed for the first time since the end of the season. I just got lazy with that this year.

I should have been going to Cha instead of Starbucks all this time. They have the internet. Then again, that may have prevented me from doing my work in the form of procrastination. On the other hand, it certainly would have come in handy when I needed to look things up while I was working. Damn these double-edged swords! DAMN YOU TO HELL!!! A little dramatic, but you get the point.

That said, I'm out.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

So nice to discover

So nice to discover a mere five minutes after the post that my first blogger experience has a nice little typo in the title. Yes, "USD experiece" is not the way I intended to spell it. I guess it doesn't matter since the title was changed, but still, not cool dude.

All new

I decided to start blogging my experience through law school. I'm starting a bit prematurely, but at the same time it's also not premature. Three weeks before classes actually start and a little less than a week before I move to San Diego seems like a perfectly appropriate time for me to begin blogging my experiences. I think I'll send the link to the guy who collects law student blogs.

The last couple months have been great, greatly aided by the lucky (and yet unluck) coincidence that is having my old car stolen and my new car getting hit. Being jobless is not as lucritive as some would have you believe and both these experiences have greatly aided my financial situation. I've been able to pay off a large chunk of what I owe and at the same time have a lot more money to enjoy my last few precious weeks prior to the rest of my life (which, as you may have guessed, will be surrounded by one common theme, "The Law").

I think my soon-to-be roommates are/will be cool to live with and at the very least I hope so. At least I have my own room while I live with two other guys this time. The first time was not quite as pleasant. You'd be surprised how cramped a double converted to a triple dorm room is. Ok, maybe not that surprised if you've ever been through the dorm experience.

I've taken up jazz a little bit as I believe it to be "good" studying music for the undoubtedly countless hours I will spend in the library, cafes and various other "places of study." Note that I purposely left out my room. Studying at home has never been my strong suit and I don't expect that to suddenly change. In any case, I ordered a nice chair for my room anyways, just for those days where spending hours in front of my desk and on my own chair seem to be a plausible good idea. I have to thank Mr. Kory for the experience I had there. At the very least I figured out which office chair is good in my price range.

Ok, so this post hasn't been so law school related, but hopefully that will change when classes actually start. Cross your fingers kids, otherwise this may become as useless as a condom to the 40-year-old virgin. That's all for this first installment of USD Law, not very USD or Law at all.