Monday, July 31, 2006

I've arrived

Ah, yes, sunny San Diego is not so sunny. First night here after being officially "settled in" and it rains outside. At least its cooled down in the last few days and the weather is back to "Good" status. Mostly unpacked, still a few stray things that need to be done, but not too much and not too bad. Now it's time to explore the city. Well, actually, it's time to trek down to the school to double check that I may have the privledge of taking out loans to pay them. You know, since there was a mixup somewhere beyond my control but I'm now the one responsible to make sure the mix up doesn't screw me over.

Moved in, picked up a small ass (and I MEAN that) drawer thing from Target and a bookshelf from IKEA. Both items small, both items work. Good enough.

After dropping off my stuff Friday we headed back to LA whereupon there was some fun being had. Ok, not on Friday, but Saturday we went clubbing in Hollywood and it was good times all around. Sunday was mainly a recovery/drive back to SD day.

Sat down at 11 and played a game of Hold'em w/the roommates, good times yet again (even though I was the first taken out by them poker fiends).

Nothing much else new as of yet, but my adventures in SD have just started.


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