The underachieving transformation

Friday, August 31, 2007

another overdue update

Ahh, full swing school. It's not so bad. Yet. So I guess my first real "substantive" legal job will be as an R.A. for a prof. That works for me. It should be paid and can't complain about that. Things should pick up (A LOT) in the next few weeks what with moot court/mock trial stuff. Oh, yea, and the job on top of it. So far, this semester's really chill. 14 units really isn't that much. I should have taken more units so that I could do part time both semesters next year. Too late. Oh well.

On a positive note, applying for OCI jobs wasn't a complete waste of my time. I actually got an interview. Surprising to me mainly because, at least for this job, I didn't meet any of the "hiring criteria." Not yet at least. Time to start prepping for the interview. Ok, yea, I'll procrastinate on it until the day before the interview. Whatever. I'll make sure I'm as ready as I can be even if I don't start until the day before.

So the swell is supposed to be AWESOME this week. Looking forward to getting out there. Question is which beach to go to. I think I'll just park at the same ol' beach and walk down the the new one. That'll work. Or just let the current take me down there. That'll be the easier way to go. We'll see.

Went out last night. Had a BLAST. Too bad DJ's closing in a month. It was the best time I've ever had at DJ. Sigh.

New roommates moved in. They're not done cleaning up yet, but they're in. We'll see how that goes.

Alright, back to procrastination. Oh wait, what was I doing just now? Eh, whatever, either way, I'm out.

Monday, August 20, 2007

time to kill

I gots (I don't 'have' some, I gots some) some time to kill so I thought I'd post. School has officially started. Granted not for me since my first class hasn't started yet. Anyways.

Orientation. First day the 1Ls all (ok, almost all) looked really nervous. Like, REALLY nervous. I wonder if we were like this last year. I guess there's no way to know since I was on the other end of it last year. The second day they were a lot relaxed. Maybe the booze they got at the end of their first day calmed them down. Or maybe they realized that they were all in for yet another day of speeches and listening to speeches and thus were pre-sedated. Either way, they were calm. It's funny that by the end of the first day, you can already see the little cliques forming. Wonder if it'll hold up throughout the year. I'm willing to bet my life at least a good half of them will. People often ask us "what do you get for volunteering for orientation?" The reply? A free t-shirt. Yes, that's right. We all did it for the free t-shirt (sarcasm btw, doesn't translate too well on paper). One thing that DID suck about volunteering for orientation was that it sucked the time right out from under me so I wasn't able to go surf like I would have wanted. Other than that, volunteering for it was fun and I'll probably do it again next year if I can.

The book exchange went OFF. LOTS of books being sold for good money. I actually wasn't planning on selling my casebooks but it turned out that I was able to get decent money for them so I went ahead and sold them. Well, I think they sold. At least most of the ones that were actually being used this semester. Probably find out in a week.

So OCI is done. I finished a day early since I knew I couldn't work on them the day they were due. Threw out A BUNCH of applications. Hope I get SOMETHING back. Here's to wishful thinking.

So the White Party was fun. Partying with some people you've not really seen all summer when you've grown accustomed to seeing them pretty much every day. It got pretty packed, but it was still fun nonetheless.

I guess that's all. School's started. Got a hell of a lot of reading again. Sigh. Summer = too short =(.

Monday, August 13, 2007


The OCI process blows. For those that don't know, OCI = on campus interview. Ok, ok, I'm biased. I hate all things related to job searches. Especially cover letters. I absolutely despise them. Oh well, can't get away from them.

The MPRE was WAAAAAAAAY harder than the sample tests provided by Barbri. I'm pretty sure I passed. I mean, we need a scaled score of 79 when the scale is from 50 to 150 with 100 being the average. Basically, it's not easy to not pass. Doable, but not easy. Obviously, I'm going to be PISSED (and ashamed) if I don't pass.

Oh, and friken loans suck. Apparently, one of my loans wasn't disbursed because I "didn't" sign my master promissory note. "Didn't" is in quotes because, well, I signed it last year. So maybe I have to do it ever year for that lender. So I called the lender in the morning, at which time I was told that they didn't have my MPN or even whether or not the school certified my loan. Ok, that's fine, I sign the MPN and call later in the afternoon to make sure it's done, at which time I was informed "oh, your MPN is signed and has been signed, I really don't know why your loans weren't disbursed already." -___- Seriously? First I'm told I don't have it. Then I'm told they don't really know if I have it. Then I'm told I've had it all along??? WAT THE FUCK? Normally, it wouldn't be such a big deal, but PEOPLE, I NEED MY FIN AID!!! I guess the only bright side is that the only competent person I talked to was (obviously) the last person I talked to and thankfully she was willing to take steps that weren't even necessary. So I'll find out tomorrow wtf is going on.

Other than that? Surfing (of course). Got my board back! SOOOOOOO glad it didn't ACTUALLY take 2 weeks. Only 1. Love my board =). But did have the opportunity to try another board the other day (a shorter, but quite thick, one) and I liked it. A LOT. So the hunt is on for a board. Again. I know, what else is new right?

Oh! First day of reading for upper div classes? CRAZY! Like, seriously! The 2 classes that I know for sure the assignment for are the equivalent of a week of what I did a year ago. Not cool man, not cool.

Monday, August 06, 2007

time flys

Damn time flies. I totally planned to update a hell of a lot more, and next thing I know it's been over a month.

Summer class is over. Lesson learned? When you can use it, bring a pocket Websters with you to the final. Especially if your vocabulary sucks like mine. Seriously, not knowing an entire question because you didn't know the definition of one word sucks. It really really does.

In the meantime, I picked up yet another surfboard. It's an awesome board for how much I paid. Unfortunately it's now being repaired because I damaged it =(. At least I have another board to use in the meantime.

I can't believe how fast classes are creeping up on us. The summer's almost over, orientation's almost here (yes, I know, it shouldn't affect me, but I'm volunteering for orientation so it does affect me) and the new 0Ls (or, I guess they can be called 1Ls now) will soon know how much work work there really is. Ok, ok, it's not THAT bad once you get used to it. But finals month still sucks.

The time has come for OCI. I totally need to start applying for work. Really I do. Of course, I really only remembered to blog because I thought to myself "what do I have to do? Oh! That's right! Cover letters! Oh wait, actually, I haven't blogged in a while, think I'll do that first." Yes folks, that is what we in the industry call "procrastination."

In the meantime, I need a new book to read. Preferably non-fiction, any suggestions out there? Last book I read was Lone Survivor. About (and written by) a Navy SEAL who was the only survivor on his mission in Afghanistan. Good book, I'd definitely recommend it. But now I have to figure out what else I'd like to read. Started re-reading Make No Law (I never finished it the first time around) but I don't really want to read that book. It's just the book I happen to have most interest in reading of the stuff I have right now. I still can't believe I'm reading for fun now. Last time I read books for fun (before this Summer) was like, before high school. Kinda explains my poor vocabulary ;p.

Oh, yes, I LOVE my grill. And my patio. Seriously, I should have bought a grill A LOOOOONG time ago.

The Wii is fun but glitchy. I didn't get one, roommate did.

Hmm, I guess I should start on my job stuff since I have to do that this week plus the MPRE. And I want to go surfing later. Alright, that's all for now.