Wednesday, September 13, 2006


I'm very glad I'm not behind since I'm starting to fall dangerously close (I think). The assignments for the next couple days are the most we've had thus far. The fact that an unexpected assignment was assigned today does not help. At all. I thought everything was nicely planned, but this is a little curveball I've not yet delt with. Should be fine though.

I've discovered a new place in school I like to study at. Nothing hidden or exciting, but it's great.

Nothing much has happened the last few days. Went out over the weekend yet again, but it was good times all around again so that was great. Unfortunately, spent far too much time watching football this weekend (and Monday). That needs to stop. Now. I will now only use one day of the two to watch football. It sucks, but it must be done.

Nothing exciting in school, just moving along as usual. Except the OCI interviews are happening this week for the upperclassmen and they're all coming in suits. Can't help but think "that'll be us in a year" (hopefully).

This morning a buddy asked me how law school is and the most interesting thing that came of that conversation is how much my career "goals" have changed in the last month. I was certain I wanted to be a judge a month ago. Now, I really have no idea what I want to do. Sure being a judge would be nice, but I'm definitely not sure that's what I still want. What changed? I really don't know since in all honesty I don't know much more about being a judge right now than I did a month ago. All I do know is it's not really a huge goal anymore.

Alright, back to my pile of work. Can't wait to be an actual attorney so I can just shred the work and claim I never got it. Hehe, just kidding.


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