Saturday, August 26, 2006

What I learned my first week of law school

1. The case where the lady who was awarded $2.7 million by the jury for being burned by the McDonald's coffee wasn't a frivolous lawsuit afterall.

2. If you think you worked your ass off in undergrad, you're probably not clear as to what, exactly, "working your ass off" means, few exceptions.

3. A funny professor really does mean the difference between absolutely sleeping through a boring subject or laughing through it.

4. If your professor isn't one of the professors mentioned in 3 above, you better hope you happen to like this normally boring subject.

5. Wifi is a curse on law students who have both the non-funny professor and the boring subject.

6. Not being able to study at home wasn't an actual inability to do it, it was an unwillingness to do so.

7. Beer is an essential part of the law student/lawyer diet.


Blogger Aaron said...

Psst: It's spelled "curmudgeon".

8:32 AM  
Blogger Penumbra said...

Psst... it's "Stella Liebeck", not "Lembeck".

Finally, I'd recommend doing some research on the Stella Liebeck case. You STILL believe everything your professor say?

8:30 AM  
Blogger Slash said...

I've never been to law school, but I know the McDonald's case wasn't frivolous. That bullshit has been merrily circling the globe via Internet for at least 10 years, passed on by clueless doofuses who hate lawyers (until THEY need one). Apparently, the only people who are entitled to representation are wealthy people and multibillion-dollar corporations. And whoever happens to be bitching about greedy lawyers.

12:37 PM  

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