Thursday, August 31, 2006

Week 2

Last week the workload wasn't that bad. This week, for some reason, it seems hectic. I mean, I really don't have that much more this week than last and I'm still on top of my shit like I was last week, but for some wierd reason it just seems more hectic. Maybe it's because I've met some good people and have been slowly drifting further away from work because I've spent a ridiculous amount of time with them (ok, not ridiculous in the normal sense, but ridiculous in the sense that I really don't have all that much time to give). At least I'm still technically ahead in the reading, but it seems like it's quickly becoming A LOT harder to do so. Oh well, at least I'm still having a blast (even more so now). I predict that this weekend will be extremely hectic, even though it's a long weekend.

I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens to know what'll happen.


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