The underachieving transformation

Thursday, June 21, 2007


Wow...I can't believe there's still people reading this. Haha.

So if law school was at the pace of summer sessions, it would be awesome. Few classes, little work. Maybe I should have been an evening student. O wells, I'd rather get it over with in 3 years than 4 I guess.

Nothing much has happened. Haven't gotten out on the surf in a week so I think I'm going to hit the beach later today. Wanted to go yesterday, but I passed out for too long after lunch so I didn't have the time to both surf and read. Sadly, reading had to be prioritized.

It's just been a few normal days of hanging out with friends and going to class. Nothing exciting.

Played some poker. I really need to stop playing retarded when it's a low stake cash game. Problem is, I don't learn my lesson when I win back the money I lose the day after because I decided to play smart the 2nd day. I wish I could file this into the "lesson learned" file, but I think we all know I won't. O well, eventually I will.

More to come...

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Wow, I completely forgot about this. So here's a LOOOONG overdue update for anyone still reading this (and if you're out there, I commend you).

So what's happened? Obviously, A LOT.

I recall I started at the beginning of the year with a "what I learned in my first week of law school" so I'll do a what did I learn after my first year.

1. The worst thing about first year is not any final. It is the law review tryouts after the final. Seriously, the year is over, the finals have been taken, why am I still doing work for school???

2. You cannot tell who is going to do well and who isn't just based on class. Class is one thing, but finals are a whole other animal.

3. Lawyering skills (legal writing and research): minimum effort can pay off. Don't waste soooo much time on that class if all you care for is a pass.

4. A rank drop will freak a bunch of people out even though it ultimately probably doesn't mean much (if anything) for our careers.

5. Brilliant professors can make a traditionally boring class entertaining.

6. Find a place to study that works for you. It's REALLY important.

7. If you freak out because you think you might fail, please, have it be an ACTUAL threat. It freaks others out and it makes others who actually did bad feel bad. I don't particularly care, it doesn't affect me, but others certainly were affected by it.

8. I didn't do this enough (actually, at all), but go to office hours. It helps. It really does.

9. No matter if study groups are your thing or not, do it during finals. It really helps to have people to discuss thoughts with.

10. MAKE FRIENDS!!! Don't be a hermit. they may distract you from your studies, but you don't have to spend every waking hour with them and they can be great assets. Whether you need notes, help with a concept, or just plain out stress relief.

Ok, now on to things that actually happened. Last semester I didn't do the best, right about average. This semester turned out a hell of a lot better. Maybe it's because I worked a hell of a lot harder throughout the semester. It was totally worth the over half point GPA increase I got. It was the first time in a long time where I actually saw my grades and smiled. They weren't spectacular, but it helps to know I have it in me if/when I try. Still not at the top of the class, but a move from bottom half to pretty well in the top half is AWESOME. Don't actually know class rank yet, but I assume it's a decent prediction based on the curve and my grades...

So I'm taking a summer class. It's sad that the year has so conditioned me that I no longer know what to do with myself after just a week of having free time. Actually need/want to keep busy now.

Been doing a bit of surfing and I'm SHOCKED to find out how different a 9' board feels from an 8'6 board when it comes to smaller waves. Seriously SHOCKED.

I HELLA wanna go snowboarding. Don't know why, but I suddenly had an urge again this year to go. A LOT. Too bad I can't. Worst thing about being in school. Oh well, just wait until next season. Meaning, only a few more months left...

Alright, that's all for now. Hopefully I update more often from here on out...I know, it's like the boy who cried wolf...oh well...